1. No boy should accept an appointment to Wyoming Boys’ State unless he is prepared to abide by all of the rules, and prepared to remain for the duration of the program.
2. No delegate shall be permitted to leave the University of Wyoming campus between the opening session on Sunday and final checkout the following Saturday.
3. Each delegate is responsible for the neatness of his dormitory.
4. All delegates must be prompt for meals, sessions and ceremonies, including flag raising and flag lowering each day.
5. Any delegate who becomes ill or is injured is requested to report to his counselor or to the Boys’ State office immediately.
6. No delegate of Boys’ State may drive a car during the session. Keys must be checked upon arrival.
7. Cell phones and other electronic devices may be used outside of any official function.
8. Delegates who violate any of these rules may be dismissed from the program, subject to review by the Committee Chairman and Boys’ State Director.
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